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トップ > Functions and Programs

トップ > Functions and Programs

Functions and Programs

Last Update 2023.6.26

  • 日本語
  • English
  • 中文


What Is Chikyû Hiroba?

Chikyû Hiroba is a place where people can get together, interact, and work in collaboration. Providing a place where people from various cultural backgrounds can come together, we aim to develop a community where everyone can live together harmoniously through mutual understanding.

Mission Statement

Our mission as a hub of a wide range of cross-cultural activities

  • To provide a place for Nagaokans and international residents to come together
  • To provide opportunities for the youth to get involved in cross-cultural communication
  • To provide a variety of information

Our mission as a center where international residents can find support for daily living

  • To provide a place where everyone can get together and share information
  • To provide multi-lingual (in Chinese, English, Vietnamuse, or easy Japanese) consultations for daily living.
  • To provide opportunities for international residents to learn Japanese
Multi-Lingual Consultations We provide consultation services concerning your daily living along with administrative information for international residents.

●Consultation Hours:
Consultations in Chinese, English, or easy Japanese:
Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Consultations in Vietnamese:
1st and 3rd Sundays of every month 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
 Skype consultation is available at Chikyû Hiroba.
【Notice】If you want to consult with us on various matters via Skype, please click here and read notes.
User name : 長岡市国際交流センター「地球広場」-Chikyu Hiroba-
Please look for “Chikyu Hiroba” on Skype.
●Connection with a Multi-Lingual Call Center (a private organization with nationwide service)
If international residents have difficulties in communicating with the staff at various information desks in the Nagaoka City Office, including Chikyû Hiroba and district branch offices, they can get language assistance provided by translators in 17 languages over the telephone.
●Installation of Translation Devices
A portable translation device for 74 languages and a tablet PC with translation apps for 31 languages are available for use at the Nagaoka City International Affairs Center, Chikyû Hiroba. These devices can be borrowed for use at many other information desks in the Nagaoka City Office and district branch offices.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any difficulties, worries, or questions.
Events Everyone is welcome to join many seosonal events throughout the year.
You are also welcome to organize sessions to talk about your home countries.
For further information ⇒Events
Consultations in Chinese and English If you have some difficulties due to differences between Japan and your country, especially in cultural aspects such as manners and customs, the staff are ready to respond to you either in English, Chinese, or Japanese. No appointment is necessary for consultations. 「Consultations in Chinese, and English」image
Mini-Library Visitors can read and borrow Japanese textbooks, or books on international cooperation, cross-cultural activities, and overseas countries. Some used books are free to those who want them. 「Mini library」image
Information Useful information on daily living and seasonal events in Nagaoka is given through multilingual monthly newsletters and weekly broadcasts on FM Nagaoka. 「Information」image
Japanese Learning Programs In Nihongo Kôza, experienced Japanese instructors teach classes. A small fee is necessary. At Nihongo Hiroba, you can learn Japanese through casual communication with volunteers. There is no participation fee.
For further information ⇒Learning Japanese
「Japanese Learning Programs」image
Two Internet connected computers Free of charge for 30 minutes for each user. Please talk to the staff to sign up for a turn. 「Two Internet connected computers」image

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TEL:0258-39-2714  FAX:0258-39-2280

